Monday, April 13, 2009

Social Networking in Schools

Although the video was removed from YouTube about social networking in schools, I would like to give my opinion on various websites such as Myspace and Facebook. There have been many horror stories about these two websites being used inappropriately by adolescents and adults.

Some criticisms about the two websites is that they are dangerous because some adolescents release too much information on them. Another problem that can arise from the social networking sites is that they allow another means for bullying. Many students have moved past verbal and written threats and now use on-line techniques. This is unacceptable inside and outside of schools. The major problem that I see becoming very prevalent is that adolescents do not understand the severity of these threats. Like many other problems that arise in schools (bomb threats, bullying) students are unaware of the repercussions of their actions.

On a positive note, social networking sites can actually serve a purpose! One assignment that I am planning on using in the upcoming weeks is having the students create facebook and myspace pages for important people in history. I am very anxious to see the creativity with these projects. Let me know if anyone else has other suggestions for these particular sites.


Dr. Luongo said...

What a wonderful idea!

You are using the tools the students know to have "the students create facebook and myspace pages for important people in history."

Let us know how it goes!

Sharese's Space for Speaking said...

I definitely agree with you when you say that the students don't understand the consequences of their bullying and negative comments towards one another over these social sites. It becomes very dangerous because they don't know how the other party will react and some one could get really hurt.

latinaone said...

Hi Mark! Great idea about them creating websites for important people in history. I myself have a Facebook page, and I have so for 2 reasons, one to stay in touch with friend sback home without the expense of long distance and 2nd , after we had a detective from Bergen county talk in our school about how we the teachers can help our students by keeping an eye on their pages . That way if we spot something that should not be there or that is hurting someone we can do something about it.Not too long ago I became very alarmed with the postings one of students, it was very frequent and more depressing by the posting. Words such as death, lack of desire to live, nobody loving him etc got my attention, I decided to informed at least 2 individuals in my school ( a priest and the campus ministry since they are both close to our kids) and sure enough the young man was going thru some very serious issues and now he is getting the help so much needed, now mind you other students were reading the same messages that i was and there responses were from...No luck last night with the ladies, or got your period today?, even such as you are a fag today! so you can imagine how I felt! Of course I said nothing to him or the other kids, not that I was afraid but just did not wanted to handle in that matter. But I do know that one of the people I reached out was going to address the issue with the kids in his own manner. So we as teachers keeping an eye on our students in the background can give us a very good idea of how they are interacting among themselves and if needed do something.
In a positive note I post pictures of my students on my page with comments that shows them and the world how proud I am to be their teacher and they appreciate it a lot. Pictures I take at their games, or events from school , even pictures we take in the classroom! So We can benefit from kids will realized we are also human and that we care about them.